
It was truly amazing to see so many San Antonians come out to support LGBT equality yesterday, despite record-setting 108 degree temperatures. Organizers said the 10th annual Pride Block Party (at Crockett Park) and Parade drew 15-20,000 people, coming only days after two historic rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court (read more: Main Plaza: Advocates Celebrate Advance of Gay Marriage).

A few protesters showed up to “rain on Pride’s parade.” Those in opposition, some carrying signs from the San Antonio Family Association, were largely gone by afternoon – their distaste for marriage equality wilted, at least for a day, by the record heat.

Pride Families_Steven
Folks and families at the Pride Bigger Than Texas block party. Photos by Steven Starnes.

Local photographer Steven Starnes and his assistant and wife, Emily, joined me to document the celebration. Our collaborative photo gallery will be featured this week on the Rivard Report homepage. Watch for more photos uploaded to the Rivard Report Facebook page soon.

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Senior Reporter Iris Dimmick covers public policy pertaining to social issues, ranging from affordable housing and economic disparity to policing reform and mental health. She was the San Antonio Report's...