San Antonio Report photographers chronicle San Antonio and its residents. Each week, we share our most meaningful images as a visual account of San Antonio’s ever-evolving landscape.

Urban-15 dancers perform a routine within the lighted squares cast by Christopher Janney’s Passing Light solar sculpture in the long-term parking garage at the San Antonio International Airport on Tuesday.
Urban-15 dancers perform a routine within the lighted squares cast by Christopher Janney’s Passing Light solar sculpture Tuesday in the long-term parking garage at the San Antonio International Airport. Credit: Nick Wagner / San Antonio Report
Board President Ernesto Arrellano Jr. and TEA-appointed monitor Abe Saavedra stand together after the board adjourned its meeting during which it accepted the “voluntary resignation” of suspended Superintendent Marc Puig on Tuesday.
Ernesto Arrellano Jr. (right), president of the South San Antonio Independent School District’s board of trustees, and Abe Saavedra, appointed by the Texas Education Agency to monitor the district, stand together after a board meeting at which it accepted the “voluntary resignation” of suspended Superintendent Marc Puig. Credit: Nick Wagner / San Antonio Report
Alarii Cruz, 1, plays with Lego bricks meant to signify housing units during a community meeting about the Alazan Courts redevelopment plan on Saturday.
Alarii Cruz, 1, plays with Lego bricks meant to signify housing units Saturday during a community meeting about the Alazán Courts redevelopment plan. Credit: Nick Wagner / San Antonio Report
Parade participants carry a banner during the Bigger Than Texas Pride Parade on Saturday.
Parade participants carry a banner Saturday during the Pride Bigger Than Texas Parade. Credit: Nick Wagner / San Antonio Report

Bria Woods is a staff photojournalist at the SA Report. She holds a bachelor's degree in communication from Trinity University and a master's in multimedia broadcast journalism from the University of Westminster...